Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Congratulations Terri & David

On the birth of your little one, all I know is she's a girl and she was quite the size 10 lbs. 8oz....all I say to that is WOW!
Didn't have a real eventful weekend, went to Kristen's hockey game where his teammate got into a fight. Other than that they got their butts whooped.
Saturday was EXTREMELY productive, I got all my house cleaning and laundry done. So exciting. Then in the evening we went to visit Corey & Vicky since they're now gone away for a couple of weeks (well Corey only 1 week)
Sunday went to Myrna's to do the photo shoot, I'm very pleased with how it went but truly only the developed pictures will tell how well it actually went. Can't wait for Myrna to get them developed. And then Sunday night we watched a couple of movies, Marine (royally sucked, save your money, do not rent it) and Open Season (which I had seen before but Kristen didn't, it's such a cute family movie)
Other than it's been FREEZING here, windchill of -23 today (and all week). Just hibernating and trying to stay warm. Volleyball tomorrow night so I'll have to get out in it at some point. Happy Tuesday Everyone!


Stephanie said...

It is so cold here too-really bitter. wow-that is a big baby

Myrna Hynes said...

Thanks SOOOOOO Much for taking my prego pics on Sunday - I really had a lot of fun and can't wait to see the results.