Wednesday, May 25, 2005

May 2-4 2005

Camping May 2-4 Weekend 2005 Posted by Hello

Every May 2-4 we now have a tradition of camping up on the land. Let me clarify who "we" are, and where "up on the land" is. We-all Kristens and my friends (Myrna, Jamie, Jen, Chris, Steph, Jason, Corey, Vicky, Shawn, and who knows who else, previous years...Neil, Perry, Marianne, Sone, Brian, Audrey, etc). Up on the land- 3 acres of land that Kristens family (Nanny Betty, Poppy Manuel, Michelle, Barry and Brian) own. Since there's no provincial park rules or, we go camping here for usually one night :)

It seems that everyone has a great time, or I like to think so cause they all keep coming back. We usually play volleyball, cook and eat way too much food, hang out around the campfire, and some years the guys will even bring their guitars (much to my disappointment this year nobody did). We always stop at the chip truck and enjoy some homefries, then eat bbq'd steak, and on to roasted weiners and marshmallows, not to mention an occasional s'more...mmm.

Its not even that the land is such a great place to be, its an uneven field with hills and lots of groundhog holes, no luxury bathroom by far, no shower, and its not even that warm this time of year, but I think its the good times, the laughter, the socializing with your most beloved friends. Its creating memories so that when we're old and grey we can say "remember that May 2-4 weekend when".....and have a great laugh and when finished sigh with pleasure of a life not just survived but lived.

1 comment:

Myrna Hynes said...

Our weekends away are always great fun! Gotta enjoy the friends while we can. Soon we'll have families and simply packing up and going camping won't be so simple anymore. Mmm....marshmallows!!