Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Special Letter Project

I follow a blog called Purple Lemon Designs.
Kelly of Purple Lemon Designs put out THIS challenge!
Today I'm challenging you to do the same.
I really want to do this and I've been thinking about who I could send a letter too.
I haven't decided yet but I'll keep you posted if/when I do.
It's a little intimidating truthfully to make yourself so vulnerable to just randomly send someone a letter to tell them how they've affected your life and how you appreciate them.
Yet on the other hand if I were that person receiving that letter, I know I would appreciate that gesture more than anything.
“The supreme triumph is to be most vividly,
most perfectly alive.”
D.H. Lawrence

1 comment:

Myrna Hynes said...

Your post comes in perfect timing with mine...maybe I should print it off and send it...then again, maybe not.