Friday, November 30, 2007

What Would Jesus Do?

Myrna is here for a few days from Nfld, she came to finish packing up her house for the big move back to The Rock. Last night I was going to go visit her when she said she needed to go out to run some errands, so I offered to drive. What better girl time then shopping and lots of giggling and chatting. Eventually the conversation led to story about a co-worker of mine....which really makes you think about life and who you are as a person.
This co-workers brother is going for surgery next week to have a kidney removed...but here's the kicker, it's not because he's sick. It's because his best friend is sick and needs a kidney. Yep you read right....he's donating one of his kidney's to his best friend. Apparently the best friend was born with only 1 kidney and now he's not doing too well so instead of waiting on a long waiting list, my co-workers brother said, hey how 'bout you take one of mine??? And so, he is.
So Myrna & I were discussing this, and I said isn't that just amazing? And Myrna agreed, she said "you're literally saying I'm willing to die for you", because this sort of surgery is way harder on the doaner. And who knows what could happen once you go under the knife.
Then I said to her but Myrna if donating a kidney meant saving her, or any of my close friends, family or husband I really do think I would step up and say, sure you can have a kidney. If I were able to save any of my friends, I would do whatever I could in my power to help them. I say "think" because it's easy to say I would until I were faced with the situation. But yes, I'm pretty sure I would. I care about them THAT much.
It just makes you think about your life and put's things in perspective. We're so lucky to have our health, friends/family, decent jobs, and so on. Sometimes we think we have it rough or we're so stressed out but really it's over small things that don't matter. Look at the big picture and what you can do to be better person...not saying to go out and donate a kidney to a random person BUT if that's what you feel you are called/meant to do, then why not? It's acts like this that make the world a better place. Try to keep that in mind the next few weeks as tomorrow is Dec 1st & we'll be full swing into the Christmas season. Let this not be the only time of year to feel generous, let's start the new year's resolutions today to aim to be better people and live each day to the golden rule:
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
And if you're not really into the golden rule then remember this when you're not being so nice...
"Karma is a bitch"

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