Thursday, June 30, 2005

Happy Canada Day

I have no idea to write about today, think I'll just ramble on for a bit. I just read Myrna's blog about always being late, and I'm am very seldom late BUT today I've been late for everything. 5 min late this morning and 15 min coming back from lunch. And it shouldn't matter cause I come in 45min early pretty much everyday and yet I still have this nagging little guilt at the back of my mind. However, I will not let it get to me cause today is the beginning of the LONG WEEKEND...woo-hoo!! Don't really have any specific plans, going for a tan after work, going to Acton for a drive to see if our house is started (fingers crossed), then going by my Aunties house to drop off some stuff where I "might" just have to take a dip in the pool :) Tomorrow we're going to Myrna's and Jamie's for a bbq, then hopefully heading to Chinguacousy Park to watch the fireworks. And some evening Kristen wants to go to the drive-in cause they're playing 3 movies per screen instead of the usual 2. Huh, after I write all that seems like I do have a few plans this weekend. Oh well, its all fun and doesn't require too much of me which is good for a relaxing weekend.
So to referance Myrna's blog again, she was talking about spring cleaning and my comment to her was, I did crazy cleaning for my parents at Christmas for their visit, and I did it all again in April for Kristens parents coming to visit so I'm officially on strike with "in depth" cleaning until its time to move in Oct. For now I'm only going to maintain my weekly cleaning, when I start packing I'll get down to the nitty gritty. I plan on starting my packing when we return from Nfld in late Aug, that way it gives me two full months to pack at my own pace and not get overwhelmed with everything. Shouldn't be too bad though cause in July my Aunt Bernice is having a yard sale, the perfect opportunity to get rid of a few more things that we will not be taking with us. Well time to go and start enjoying my Canada Day Long Weekend...WOO-HOO!!

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